Conference & debate: Mind the Gap! Sink holes in Twente
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In the east of The Netherlands (Twente) at 400 meters depth, there are several hundred giant cavities (caverns), which, from the beginning of the 20th century, have been formed as a result of the production of salt. It appears that 60 of these salt caverns were made too large. In these large caverns the risk of collapse and sink hole formation is high. How can we stabilize them? Is filling them with surplus hazardous residues from waste incinerators, so that the knife cuts both ways, an option? Unfortunately, no experience exists worldwide in the use of hazardous residues from waste incinerators for the stabilization of salt caverns. All hazards, uncertainties and costs should be clarified, and stakeholders have to be well informed.

On Tuesday October 27, 2015, Twente University, Royal Netherlands Society of Engineers (KIVI) - East Netherlands, and Huize Aarde organised a conference on this subject. In the afternoon a series of open lectures were given, followed by short introductions and a debate in the framework of Studium Generale of Twente University during the evening. Invited were officials and politicians of the municipalities of Enschede and Hengelo, the Province of Overijssel and the national government; relevant agencies and organizations, citizens, staff and students of Twente University and Saxion University of Applied Sciences, and KIVI members. For lectures and debate independent experts have been invited. The languages of the presentations were English, German and Dutch.

Rationale: this exchange of knowledge and debate by experts and stakeholders is in the interest of the social decision-making process concerning the use of the underground as storage for hazardous waste. This decision is expected to be made later in the year with a public consultation on the amendment of the development plan “Boeldershoek” in Enschede.

Sponsors: Municipality of Enschede; Studium Generale Twente University; Huize Aarde; KIVI.

Afternoon Program The Gallery/DesignLab 13:00 - 17:00 PM
Organised by: Science Shop Twente University, KIVI, and Huize Aarde.
Open to everyone after registration via KIVI-website.

Chairman: Egbert van Hattem, Manager Science Shop Twente University

Prologue: Robert Geerts, Director of Engineering Company AVIV BV Risk analysis and risk management; Board Member KIVI, Section Risk Management Technique. Download the prologue.

Lectures: see the afternoon video

- Marinus den Hartogh, Geologist and Project Manager at AkzoNobel, Hengelo; “Pilot stabilisation salt caverns Twente

- Wolfgang Minkley, Geschäftsführer Institut für Gebirgsmechanik GmbH, Leipzig, Deutschland; "Integrität von Salzgesteinen und praktische Relevanz für die Verwahrung von Salzkavernen" (The Integrity of rock salt and its practical relevance for the management of salt caverns)

- Roland Weber, POPs Environmental Consulting, Schwäbisch Gmünd, Germany; "Contamination levels and associated risks of waste incineration fly ashes"

- Henk Zandvoort, Associate Professor Philosophy Delft University; "Verantwoordelijkheid en aansprakelijkheid bij verwerking van gevaarlijke verbrandingsresiduen in de ondergrond" (Responsibility and liability of deposition of toxic waste in the underground - presentation with Dutch with English texts)

Forum with speakers

Evening Program Vrijhof/Amphitheater 19:30 - 21:30 PM
Organised by Studium Generale Twente University
Program open to the general public - no registration needed.

Chairman: Peter Timmerman, Head of Studium Generale

Introductions: See the evening video recording (click on "Lezing gemist" and on "Najaar 2015")

- Robert Hack, Geologist at Twente University/ITC and member of Dutch Commission for Environmental Assessment; "Introduction to the salt solution mining process and cavern formation" Download the text of the presentation.

- Roland Weber, POPs Environmental Consulting, Schwäbisch Gmünd, Germany; Summary of "Contamination levels and associated risks of waste incineration fly ashes" See the Afternoon Program for the entire presentation.

- Ibo van der Poel, Professor Philosophy Delft University; "Introduction to ethics of experimental technologies"


For more information, please contact:
Lectures: Huize Aarde, Alfons Uijtewaal post[at] +0031 (0)6 432 89 163
Debate: Studium Generale, Peter Timmerman p.timmerman[at] +0032 (0)53 489 4 456