MEDUWA - MEDicines Unwanted in WAter

MEDUWA develops innovative solutions in the whole medicine chain to avoid emissions of human and veterinary pharmaceuticals and multi-resistant micro-organisms into soil, (tap) water, air and food, as much as possible at the source.
MEDUWA works within a (sub)basin and aims at a comprehensive approach.

Parners from the human and veterinary medicine chain and water chain in the region are involved in the activities, and together they form a so-called Living Lab, using a regional Watershed as a pilot area.

To promote higher risk perception and decision making, contamination and effects of measures are mapped using a geographic information system (GIS).
From October 12 2016 until April 10 2021 the INTERREG-VA MEDUWA-Vecht(e) coalition of 27 German and Dutch partners develops a complementary package of measures, including:
MEDUWA-Vecht(e) costs 8,5 Million euro is funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), the regional program partners, and the participating project partners.

MEDUWA resulted from a collaboration between organizations with very different social tasks and target groups: Water Authority Vechtstromen, Almelo; The Institute for Responsible Medicine Use (IVM), Utrecht; The Integrated Assessment Society (TIAS), Osnabrück, and Stichting Huize Aarde, Enschede. The coalition has been extended to small companies and research institutes in the Netherlands and Germany to co-develop innovative solutions. See also the oficial MEDUWA.EU site.